Buda Folk Band play on instruments mainly used in the Carpathian Basin and is drawn from authentic sources. Taking the original melody as a template, their music retains the phraseology so characteristic of the Hungarian folklore tradition. At the same time by adopting a more daring and unorthodox structure and style, their music acquires an up-to-date feel without compromising their musical heritage and tradition. Although their music originates from villages and is rooted in the rural lifestyle, Buda Folk Band firmly believe that their music is not incompatible with and can be transposed to an urban setting. From village gate to city tower, tradition gives our music power!

The Band reaches its 10th anniversary this year! Our Jubilee concert will take place in the Fonó Budai Zeneház, on 18th february, 2017! We prepare with many interesting programmes for the whole day, for all ages, with many different children programmes, like artisan sausage-making session in the morning, photo exhibition about our first decade. We are awaiting you and your family with many guest musicians, our former and current members, musicians from Kalotaszeg, Transylvania, dancers, and a lot of other surprises!
Our further great rankings on WMCE!

We were glad, when we found out our newly released album, "Saját Gyűjtés - Own Collection Work" ranked as 13rd of World Music Charts Europe in january 2016. Moreover we could improve our ranking in the february list where we hit the 5th place! The pictures of the two lists are below (you can zoom by moving the cursor on them).
Gooikoorts is an international festival for traditional folk music which each year brings about a confrontation between traditional and contemporary folk music. The organisation not only takes care of a strong setlist, but also strives for good ambience and a homely feeling for the whole family. The festival takes the folk music lovers on a journey full of new experiences. Visitors can enjoy music from newly discovered talents and settled bands from all over Europe and beyond.

Gooikoorts wants to attract visitors who can enjoy amazing concerts and unique dance evenings, but it is also a festival for families. The relaxed musical surroundings are an ideal place to meet old friends and to make new ones. The international luthier market is a sanctuary for every folk musician and the children can have the time of their life in an outstanding children area.
During the festival several short workshops are organized. These workshops are given by some performing artists of the festival, and by experienced tutors. You can sign up during the festival at the info stand.